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  • tompitt94

Death of the hashtag

Is the hashtag dying out and losing it’s impact?

Since it’s inception in 2007 the hashtag embedded itself in to modern culture, a means to find like-minded people or articles of interest easily, quickly and in a new quirky way.

But, the adoption of the hashtag by businesses and news agencies and other media saw the hashtag become abused and almost meaningless! It became simply a way to try and gain followers or cheap views, likes and retweets where the users weren’t truly engaged with you or what you were saying.

Then it’s demise was well and truly confirmed when it was added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2014. Now, it was an institution within society and like all institutions, You have to work to stay relevant, fresh and worthwhile to people, something the hashtag was not capable of.

Yet some marketers insist on it use, some excessively, flooding each and every post they do with 10-20 hashtags under the illusion that it gets their posts more views or interaction. Whilst it may provide a couple of meaningless likes it puts off so many other potential customers as it starts to look like spam mail that simply annoy people.

Whilst a shame, the hashtags influence is dwindling and marketers need to look at more and more ways of clever post placement, timing and as always CONTENT IS KING!

Rest in Peace Hashtag

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